Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Whigs, "So Lonely"

The Whigs released an album a couple of years ago that I really liked, but then I kind of lost them. So much music, so little time. So it was a pleasure to stumble across a new video for the track "So Lonely" (and by stumble across, I mean find while wading through the dusty stacks of emails in the inbox). They make a hellacious racket for a three-piece, but they keep it tuneful, and I dig the way the singer slings his guitar high like John Lennon (Keith Richards, whose autobiography I just finished and about which I'll try to comment here at length, would not approve at all).

By the way, double click on the video to go to YouTube and watch in widescreen. I haven't yet figured out (or, haven't tried) how to embed a widescreen player, so the right side of the picture gets cut off here.

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