It's well-known that the proprietors of
Teenage Kicks have a certain affection for Philadelphia singer-songwriter Scott McClatchy, and for one of us, the affiliation is familial. And so when we tell you that Scott's new album
A Dark Rage is terrific, his best yet, you might be skeptical. So don't take it from us, take it from the Philly
Inquirer's Nick Cristiano who writes "Back in the Philadelphia area after about 20 years in New York, Scott McClatchy is still turning out spirited, heart-on-his-sleeve roots-rock. And getting better at it with age:
A Dark Rage is his best effort."
The very wise Mr. Cristiano writes even more that you can read
Enjoy the Stonesy kick of "Cigarettes, Breath Mints & Visine," which I am told is a true story, but please don't mention it to the authorities.
Scott McClatchy, "Cigarettes, Breath Mints & Visine"The album is available on iTunes and at
Amazon, among other fine retailers.