I am left stupefied, befuddled, bewitched and frankly shocked beyond belief that “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz has recently established a new benchmark for longevity on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. This lighter than air piece of sing-song dreck has been on the Billboard Hot 100 for 75 weeks and currently sits at # 48.
How did this happen? Appearances on Saturday Night Live (oh SNL… why?), American Idol (perfect group cheese), a Verizon commercial and overall television ubiquity made this former Mraz throwaway demo (it was a Mraz throwaway!!) an unkillable monster. America – please explain yourself!
Free beers for life for any Teenage Kicks reader that knocks that mridiculous hat off his head.
How did this happen? Appearances on Saturday Night Live (oh SNL… why?), American Idol (perfect group cheese), a Verizon commercial and overall television ubiquity made this former Mraz throwaway demo (it was a Mraz throwaway!!) an unkillable monster. America – please explain yourself!
Free beers for life for any Teenage Kicks reader that knocks that mridiculous hat off his head.
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