In a digital age that rewards the shortest of attention spans and 70 minute magnum opuses are written off as impenetrable and unwieldy, I can only say... BRAVO! Please songwriters, get to the point. Give us your story, give it to us quickly and wrap it up in a gorgeous melody.
Anders Osborne has done just that with the final song on his latest album, American Patchwork. "Call on Me" conjures up the simplicity and magic that can be conjured by one man, one guitar, one voice. It's a mournful road song whose saving grace is the good woman who awaits a thousand miles away. This one evokes the plaintive ballads of Jesse Winchester, Darden Smith, David Halley and Jackson Browne at his least political (you know, the good stuff).
"Four days short of your sweet arms
And a thousand miles away
Three more shows, three lonely nights
'Fore I'll see your pretty face
Won't you call on me, call on me
Can't wait to hear you say my name, baby
Won't you call on me"
Anders Osborne has done just that with the final song on his latest album, American Patchwork. "Call on Me" conjures up the simplicity and magic that can be conjured by one man, one guitar, one voice. It's a mournful road song whose saving grace is the good woman who awaits a thousand miles away. This one evokes the plaintive ballads of Jesse Winchester, Darden Smith, David Halley and Jackson Browne at his least political (you know, the good stuff).
"Four days short of your sweet arms
And a thousand miles away
Three more shows, three lonely nights
'Fore I'll see your pretty face
Won't you call on me, call on me
Can't wait to hear you say my name, baby
Won't you call on me"
Anders Osborne - "Call on Me"
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