Talk about truth in advertising -the new Alejandro Escovedo album, Street Songs of Love, drops June 29 on Concord Records. It seems the touchstones for Escovedo's muse these days are the thousand band march of garage rock 1967, the pun rock fury of 1977 and the neo-traditionalist country revival movement of 1987.
Check out the scorching "Faith", where Alejandro is able to coax duet partner Bruce Springsteen's rock and roll voice to rise from the ashes.
Faith - this is hard to say, but this one was better than trash day! and it takes A LOT to accomplish that. This song has everything that makes a song PERFECT. It blew me away. This is a 10 and a double thumbs up!
it was alright.i like that guitar solo... so 7.5/10
FAITH: It was okay, loved the guitar but the lyrics were repetitive and kinda dull. 7
Why can't Bruce make stripped down, uncomplicated, guitar driven rock on his own anymore? Ok, "Radio Nowhere" fits that bill, but that's about it. I like what he's been doing well enough, but do hunger for an album like this from Bruce.
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