Friday, September 25, 2009

Jason Mraz Defeats America

I am left stupefied, befuddled, bewitched and frankly shocked beyond belief that “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz has recently established a new benchmark for longevity on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. This lighter than air piece of sing-song dreck has been on the Billboard Hot 100 for 75 weeks and currently sits at # 48.

How did this happen? Appearances on Saturday Night Live (oh SNL… why?), American Idol (perfect group cheese), a Verizon commercial and overall television ubiquity made this former Mraz throwaway demo (it was a Mraz throwaway!!) an unkillable monster. America – please explain yourself!

Free beers for life for any Teenage Kicks reader that knocks that mridiculous hat off his head.

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